Nwn2 download free
Nwn2 download free

nwn2 download free

I never finished DA:O or NWN2 due to issues that I had with them, ranging from difficulty (specifically the lack thereof) to camera and gui issues. The gui wasn't great imo but I guess NWN1 wasn't exactly stellar in that area either. I feel that the original NWN found a simple, intuitive way to handle camera movement in a 3d environment, and that NWN2 took some serious steps back in the area. I think that the main issue I had with NWN2 is the GUI and the camera movement. The plot of the main campaign is undeniably lacking in some areas, and features such as the "town portal" item are shameful (but can be willfully avoided), so NWN is far from a great game, but I found it to be an acceptably interesting RPG. I have played through NWN1, HoTU included, a handful of times over the years. My favorite RPG's include, apart from the BG games, the first two Fallout games as well as Planescape: Torment. I can't recall the number of times I've replayed BG & BG2 over the years waiting for a qualitatively comparable fantasy RPG to come out, so perhaps my thoughts on NWN2 could be of some use to you.

Nwn2 download free